Reading Lists
A Couple of Reading Lists PDF Print E-mail
So, you say you have PLENTY of time? 🙂 Here are two reading lists that will provide a book per month for your reading pleasure.
The first comes from the pen of Pastor Ligon Duncan at First Presbyterian in Jackson, Mississippi:
1. John Stott, Basic Christianity (IVP).
2. R.C. Sproul, The Holiness of God (Tyndale House).
3. John Piper, Don’t Waste Your Life (Crossway).
4. Don Carson, A Call to Spiritual Reformation (Baker).
5. J.C. Ryle, Holiness (Evangelical Press).
6. J. I. Packer, Fundamentalism and the Word of God (Eerdmans).
7. J. I. Packer, A Quest for Godliness (Crossway Books).
8. John Murray, Redemption Accomplished and Applied (Eerdmans).
9. David F. Wells, No Place for Truth (Eerdmans).
10. John Piper and Wayne Grudem, Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (Crossway).
11. J. Gresham Machen, Christianity and Liberalism (Eerdmans).
12. Westminster Confession of Faith (Free Presbyterian Publications).
Maybe you would prefer more Puritan reading?
Here is a list from Timmy Brister — He is calling it the Puritan Challenge 2008
January: The Bruised Reed by Richard Sibbes (128 pp)
February: The Mystery of Providence by John Flavel (221 pp)
March: The Godly Man’s Picture by Thomas Watson (252 pp)
April: Precious Remedies Against Satan’s Devices by Thomas Brooks (253 pp)
May: Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ by John Bunyan (225 pp)
June: The Mortification of Sin by John Owen (130 pp)
July: A Lifting Up for the Downcast by William Bridge (287 pp)
August: The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs (228 pp)
September: The True Bounds of Christian Freedom by Samuel Bolton (224 pp)
October: The Christian’s Great Interest by William Guthrie (207 pp)
November: The Reformed Pastor by Richard Baxter (256 pp)
December: A Sure Guide to Heaven by Joseph Alleine (148 pp)
Good reading!
Tools For Study
Tools For Study |
Here are some tools that are useful in your Bible Study
Note: Check the legend at end. 1. Choosing a Bible: Understanding Bible Translation Differences – Leland Ryken** 2. Bible (I suggest several Versions) a. Literal – Word for Word i.English Standard Version (ESV)* ii. New American Standard Bible (NAS)** iii. King James Version (KJV)* iv. New King James Version (NKJV)** b. Dynamic Equivalent i. Revised Standard (RSV)*** ii. New Revised Standard (NRSV)*** iii. Amplified Bible+ iv. New American Bible (NAB)+ v. New International Version (NIV)* c. Study Bible* i. NIV Study Bible ii. Reformation Study Bible iii. ESV Study Bible 3. Bible Dictionary* a. Easton’s b. Holman 4. Bible Handbook* a. Ryken’s b. Holman 5. English Dictionary* a. Webster’s b. Oxford 6. Dictionary of Biblical Imagery – Leland Ryken+ 7. Matthew Henry Commentary (public domain)* 8. Jamieson, Fausset & Brown Commentary (public domain)* 9. Treasury of Scriptural Knowledge (public domain)** 10. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance (public domain)* 11. The Crossway Comprehensive Concordance of the Holy Bible, English Standard Version+ 12. Hitchcock’s Bible Names Dictionary (public domain)*** 13. Holman Book of Biblical Charts, Maps, and Reconstructions** 14. Foxe’s book of Martyrs (public domain)** 15. Kingdom of the Cults – Walter Martin** 16. Devotionals* a. Morning and Evening – C. H. Spurgeon b. My Utmost for His Highest – Oswald Chambers c. All of Grace – C. H. Spurgeon 17. Systematic Theology*** a. Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion b. Systematic Theology – Louis Berkof c. Christian Theology – Millard J. Erickson d. Systematic Theology: An Introduction to Biblical Doctrine – Wayne Grudem e. A New Systematic Theology of the Christian Faith – Robert Reymand 18. Bible Doctrine – Wayne Grudem** 19. Hymnal* a. Trinity Hymnal b. Celebration Hymnal 20. Book-by-Book Commentary*** 21. Introduction to the Old Testament – R.K. Harrison*** 22. An Introduction to the New Testament – D.A. Carson & Douglas Moo*** 23. Hard Sayings of the Bible – Walter C. Kaiser Jr., Peter Davids, Manfred Brauch** 24. Recommended Reading: a. Puritan’s*** i. Body of Divinity – Thomas Watson ii. Ten Commandments – Thomas Watson iii. Lord’s Prayer – Thomas Watson iv. Pilgrim’s Progress – John Bunyan b. Knowing God – J.I. Packer* c. The Christian Life – Sinclair Ferguson** d. Essential Truth’s of the Christian Faith – R.C. Sproul** e. Knowing Scripture – R.C. Sproul** f. How to Read the Bible for All It’s Worth – Gordon Fee** g. Biographies*** i. Memoir and Remains of the Reverend Robert Murray M’Cheyne, Minister of St. Peter’s Church, Dundee– Andrew Bonar ii. The Life and Diary of David Brainerd – Jonathan Edwards iii. Jonathan Edwards, A Life – George M. Marsden h.Church History*** i. Baker History of the Church Series 1.Birth of the Church: From Jesus to Constantine, A.D. 30-312 2. Public Faith: From Constantine to the Medieval World, Ad 312-600 3. Reform and Conflict: From the Medieval World to the Wars of Religion, 1350-1648 4. The Age of Reason: From the Wars of Religion to the French Revolution, 1570-1789 ii. Church History in Plain Language – Bruce L. Shelley Legend * = Starter/Basic Library ** = Intermediate Library *** = Serious Student Library + = Optional Notes/Suggestions: • Note the publishers that consistently put out good Christian literature, i.e.: •Look at Half-Price and on eBay, many books can be found there much less expensively. •Check your local library, and our church library – if you find a book you wants to buy; test-drive it first. •Read book reviews; ask for suggestions from pastors, teachers etc. •Don’t try to get everything at once – prioritize: (My suggestion in priority order) o Bible(s) o Study Bible(s) o Hymnal o Handbook o Dictionary o Bible Dictionary o Concordance o Single Volume Commentary o History o Biography o Systematic Theology o Everything else (in whatever order you can afford, or deem necessary) •Have a daily Bible Reading Plan – There are many to pick from: o Straight Through o Topical o New Testament / Old Testament o Chronological o M’Cheyne reading Plan •Web Sites with Tools that help |