• All power in the Church belongs to the Head, our Lord, Jesus Christ. All actions of this congregation are to be carried out under His rule and authority.

What type of church is Covenent Fellowship Church? 

  • Covenant Fellowship Church is a non-denominational congregation. We are a people created by God, in Christ; empowered by the Holy Spirit; called, and sent to bear witness to God’s creative, redeeming, and sanctifying activity in the world.


  • To empower our church in its mission, we believe in the catechizing of our people, regardless of age, using the historical Creeds and confessions, i.e. the Three Forms of Unity, the Apostles’ Creed, and the catechisms that have served the church well for centuries. These tools provide succinct and concise statements of our faith, based upon the Scriptures, and enable all to retain the great truths of the Bible in their heart.


Is it a casual or a formal service?

  • Our church could be considered casual, but this really just means that ties and T-shirts are both welcome. With that being said, we are not casual in our approach to God, and if you visit you will find a people dedicated to the Lord and sincere in their love for Him.


What is the service like?

  • The music that accompanies our worship service is contemporary, yet blends traditional hymns and gospel songs with modern, meaningful worship music. Sermons are primarily expositional in nature, with occasional topical studies.


What other organizations are you associated with?

  • We support missions work in Southern Sudan, Gaza, and India as God provides.


  • The makeup of our congregation comes from every age, social, ethnic and economic background. We are united in our love for one another and for our Lord. Be it bikers or bankers, we welcome all!


What ministries make you unique?

  • We are an outreach-oriented church and have several programs that are designed to reach our immediate community and the surrounding communities, including a Tuesday Vegetable Truck food distribution and the Servants of the Lord Motorcycle Ministry.


Do you have a children’s ministry?

  • We offer full nursery, children’s programs, and adult activities.”