1 Coffeehouse – Pentecost 2013
2 Passover 2013
3 Passover 2012
4 Banner of Truth
Recently, some of the men in the church have begun attending the Banner of Truth Trust Conference held in Pennsylvania. This is a wonderful time, in an intimate gathering, where great men of God present thought-provoking sermons and challenging talks.
There are also opportunities to speak one-on-one with some of the conference speakers and reap the benefit of their many years of experience and wisdom.
5 Basics
For many years, many of the men in the church have attended Alistair Begg’s Basics conference in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. This is a wonderful time of fellowship with friends that we have known over the years, and Alistair’s guest speakers are always challenging, providing thought-provoking discussions. For several years the Servants of the Lord have done a group ride from Dallas, Texas to Chagrin Fallas, Ohio (roughly an 1100-mile ride one way).
6 Dec 2011 – Coffee House
7 4th of July
On the Fourth of July, Covenant Fellowship will often occupy a booth at the Lake Dallas Fourth of July celebration. We share the gospel, pray with those who need it, hand out information regarding our food and clothing ministries, and provide face-painting and other activities for the kids.